holistic mindful training for dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds
holistic dog training services for puppies, teenage and adult dogs and their guardians

Puppy and dog training for canines exhibiting a normal range of behaviors.

Training for dogs that rely on other senses due to hearing or sight loss.

Dog behavior modification for mild to extreme anxiety and aggression.
Local Service
- In-person, in-your-home sessions.
- See service regions here.
International Service
- Video sessions:
- FaceTime.
- Skype
- For information about video behavioral sessions, go here.
about your session
Your holistic dog training session includes theory and practice which encompasses a complete spectrum of essential and interdependent elements to create a happy, healthy, confident relationship with your dog.
During your session we’ll work through daily life with your dog.
You’ll learn how to unlock your natural ability to communicate and better understand your dog. The methods we’ll implement are based in pure logic and natural wisdom.
We’ll create a structure to build your confidence and your dog’s.
In your session, you’ll learn to…
- Read and understand your dog’s body language.
- Understand your own body language.
- Mindfully use your body language to communicate with your dog.
- Use all of your senses to communicate, just like your dog does.
- Communicate to your dog without using your voice.
- Stay connected to your dog:
- While you’re interacting with other people and situations.
- While your dog is interacting with other people, situations and the surrounding environment.
- Know when your dog is asking for direction and support.
- Know how and when your dog has something to teach you:
- Dogs are amazing sensitive beings.
- Our dogs try to help us when we’re struggling with our own challenges.
- You’ll learn how to recognize when your dog wants to help you, and how to leverage her help.
- Implement the supportive structure your dog requires in daily-life.
find out what type of holistic dog training session is best for you and your dog

Puppy obedience
For puppies that display a normal range of behaviors.
A generally well-adjusted puppy who would benefit from some additional guidance.
For example:
Basic obedience: sit, stay, lie down.
Mouths and nibbles on your shoes, clothes, hands, leash, etc.
House training issues.
Grabs items before you’re able to pick them up.
Jumps up on people or other dogs.
Darts past you as you go up stairs or out the door.
Plays too roughly.
Leash manners.
Insufficient recall.

Dog obedience
For dogs that display a normal range of behaviors.
A generally well-adjusted teenage or dog who would benefit from some additional guidance.
For example:
Counter surfs.
Mouths and nibbles on your shoes, clothes, hands, leash, etc.
Grabs items before you’re able to pick them up.
Pulls on-leash most of the time.
Jumps up on people or other dogs.
Darts past you as you go up or down stairs.
Pushes past you or runs out the door uninvited.
Plays roughly.
Leash manners.
Insufficient recall.

Behavior modification
For dogs and puppies experiencing mild to moderate anxiety.
Your puppy or dog is insecure-anxious but is not anxious-aggressive.
For example:
Has some or many of the behaviors listed in the columns on the left, and…
Has issues settling down.
Constantly demands attention.
Mild separation anxiety.
Excessive barking.
Poor leash manners including intense pulling on-leash when sees a dog, cat, squirrel, etc.
Over-excited but not anxious-aggressive.
Wants to chase bicycles, cars, etc.
Unintentionally scratched or bitten. May have broken skin or may have caused minor bite-wound. A single incident after which the behavior has not re-occurred.

Psychological rehab
For dogs and puppies experiencing intense anxiety.
Your dog or puppy is insecure-anxious with fixated, obsessive behavior and may also be anxious-aggressive.
For example:
Has some or many of the behaviors listed in the columns to the left, and…
Cannot settle down.
Fixated and/or fearful of inanimate and/or animate objects, may or may not be aggressive-reactive.
Has extreme separation anxiety resulting in destructive, harmful behavior.
Poor leash manners, intense pulling, intense vocalization, lunging, and other on-leash aggressive-reactivity.
Obsessive behaviors.
Destructive behavior occurring even when you’re at home.
Guards food, toys, space, people, etc.
Intense ‘play’ with other dogs bordering on aggression.
Bullying or aggressive behavior towards other dogs, cats, etc.
No-bite inhibition. Has intentionally bitten without restraint resulting in bite wounds.