additional information about my holistic wellness and behavioral services
Holistic Wellness Services FAQ
What does “holistic” mean?
Food, supplements and alternative medicines are not “holistic,” they are substances which may be natural.
If you use a natural substance (i.e., an herb), you are using a natural substance, not a “holistic” substance.
Holistic is not defined by the use of one or several substances, natural or otherwise. Instead, holistic is an approach.
The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary and Thesaurus defines holistic as “relating to the whole of something or to the total system instead of just to its parts; holistic approaches attempt to treat the whole person, including mind and body, not just the injury or disease.”
Holistic is a way of approaching life, and within that health and well-being.
Do I work with puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs?
I work with all ages, including puppies, teenage dogs, adult dogs and senior dogs.
What dog breeds do I work with?
All breeds including teacup size to extra large size dog breeds.
Do I work with kittens and cats?
My holistic wellness services are for cats of all ages and breeds.
Behavioral Services FAQ
Do I work with puppies, adult dogs and senior dogs?
I work with all ages, including puppies, teenage dogs, adult dogs and senior dogs.
What dog breeds do I work with?
All breeds including teacup size to extra large size dog breeds.
Do I work with hearing and sight impaired or otherwise physically challenged dogs?
Yes, I do. The techniques I use to communicate and direct are naturally suited and understood by physically challenged and impaired dogs.
Do I charge additional fees for working with more than one dog in a household for behavioral sessions?
No, I don’t.
What training gear do I use?
A simple standard leash.
A simple standard martingale collar.
For teacup size dogs, a simple wrap style/step-in harness (not a collar).
A soft leather muzzle.
Do I offer a guarantee for my behavioral services?
The guarantee is you – by following and implementing what I teach you and your dog(s), you are able to ensure your success.
Do I board and/or board and train dogs?
Can I surrender my dog to you?
General FAQ
What are my service regions?
I offer holistic wellness video consultations and behavioral video sessions worldwide.
Information regarding my service regions for in-person behavioral sessions is provided on the behavioral services page.
Can I set-up a consultation or session for my family member, relative or friend’s dog or cat?
I only work directly with individuals who have guardianship over their companion animals. Individuals who would like to engage my holistic wellness or behavioral services for their own dog or cat are welcome to contact me.
Can I record my video consultation or session?
I do not permit audio or video recordings of client consultations or sessions.
Do I offer payment plans?
I do not offer payment plans for my holistic wellness or behavioral services.
Do I accept pet insurance?
I do not accept pet insurance for my holistic wellness or behavioral services. I also do not coordinate with pet insurance companies or provide pet insurance companies with information about my holistic wellness or behavioral services.
Am I a veterinarian?
Do I provide veterinarian recommendations?
Do I have any affiliations to companies, discount codes, or sell supplements?
I’m not aligned to any companies or brands.
I don’t sell products, food or supplements.